Temperature Controlled Storage of Medicines and Vaccines


All medicine and vaccine storage need to meet national guidance and regulatory requirements. All will require specific storage conditions, this may be at room temperature, refrigerated or frozen, and must be monitored to ensure items remain within range specified.1


Medicine Storage


Medicines are stored under conditions that assure their quality and for many products that may mean refrigeration and it is essential that the fridges used are designed for the storage of medicines and conform to current guidance.


Vaccine Storage


Vaccines are biological substances that may lose their effectiveness quickly or become potentially dangerous if they become too hot or too cold at any time, especially during transport and storage.


Maintaining the cold chain ensures that vaccines are transported and stored according to the manufacturer’s recommended temperature range of  +2°C to +8 °C until the point of administration .


All vaccines must be refrigerated and protected from light. They must not be frozen. The efficacy of vaccines depends on their temperature being kept within the range 2-8°C from manufacturer to patient.


Cold Storage Solutions for Vaccines and Medicines


Haier Biomedical provides the world’s only complete storage solutions for a range of applications, including biological sample storage, blood management, vaccines, medical products and reagent storage across multiple sectors like pharma, academia, biotech and within medical/clinical arenas.


Haier Biomedical has many years of experience delivering vaccine cold storage solutions for large scale vaccination programmes across the globe. We offer a wide choice of products to meet the needs of different communities around the world. For example, providing ice-lined and solar powered vaccine units for remote sunny locations.


In the UK however, cold storage must meet the guidelines as outlined by The Green Book2, check reference below for further information.


Haier Biomedical Pharmacy and Vaccine Refrigerators


The HYC range from Haier Biomedical, is suitable for vaccine, pharmaceuticals and reagent storage.  From 68L bench top refrigerators to large double door touchscreen models and SMART vaccine refrigerators.


Primary Care and GP Surgeries


Photo by CDC on Unsplash

In general, community based healthcare requires small-sized pharmacy refrigerators (50L to 130L capacities).


Regional Immunisation


Photo by Martha Dominguez de Gouveia on Unsplash


In a regional setting vaccine delivery programmes may require small to medium-sized fridges (100L to 360L capacities) for dispensing as well as bulk storage refrigerators for vaccine stock.



NHS Supply Chain Supplier


Haier Biomedical are on the national pathology framework and all pharmacy refrigerators can be ordered direct.


● LINK to pathology news post

● LINK Download pathology brochure




1.Professional guidance on the safe and secure handling of medicines - https://www.rpharms.com/recognition/setting-professional-standards/safe-and-secure-handling-of-medicines/professional-guidance-on-the-safe-and-secure-handling-of-medicines


1. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/protocol-for-ordering-storing-and-handling-vaccines

2.Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. (2017). Rules and Guidance for Pharmaceutical Distributors.

3.Welsh Government and NHS Wales. (2015). Patient Safety Notice PSN 015: Storage of Medicines: Refrigerators.